Have you ever lost a listing to another agent and then looked at their MLS presentation and realized how awful it was?
I have. I still have nightmares. 😱
The pictures were horrid, the grammar and spelling were abominable.
Worst of all, the information was randomly spewed, with no apparent concern for what was critically important or meaningless drivel.
Yeah, but…
“Anyone can post your listing on the MLS, right?”
Yes. Also, anyone can cut their own hair.
Let’s take a step back and ask a fundamental question:
How important is the MLS presentation, anyway? 🤔
Answer: It’s the SOURCE of information for 99% of your potential buyers. Therefore…
It is BY FAR the most important marketing tool we have.
Nothing else even comes close!
Ever since losing that listing, I kicked myself in the butt and upped my game.
I modified my listing presentation and started speaking very specifically about our most powerful marketing tool, the MLS System.
I explained how Real Estate really works from the buyer’s perspective, how they search for listings, and what triggers the decision to view a property (or not). 🤔
I talked about the quality and order of the images, how I decide which images to use, and which images NOT to use. How my write-up is purposely designed to focus on the best features first and numerous other ‘buyer psychology’ strategies.
I demonstrated to my potential listing client exactly WHY my listing presentations were far more effective than my competitors.
And I never lost a listing I wanted, ever again.
The other day, someone posted on a local FB group, “Who has the best price for professional photography?”
I shook my head. 🥺
You’re more concerned about ‘spending the least’ as opposed to ‘getting the best’?
Guaranteed this same agent is the one who complains all the time when his clients ask to lower his commission.
My clients NEVER asked me to lower my commission, and I NEVER lost a listing I wanted once I learned how to demonstrate exactly WHY I was the best.
The trick is to actually BE the best, which is not as hard as you might think.
It’s mostly about choosing the right attitude and having a willingness to learn.