As a busy REALTOR®, chances are you’ve got a hundred little things to get done every day.
And you DO get them ALL done! Congratulations!
But, what about the BIG stuff?
You know. That website revision you’ve been planning for months, the new listing presentation, or the (fill in the blank) that you never seem to get to, because “there’s never enough time.”
Do you know why there’s never enough time?
It’s because you do the big stuff LAST when you should be doing it FIRST.
Here’s the problem: The little stuff is NEVER done.
You’ve got your priorities entirely backward. Here’s how to fix that right now:
- Accept that you CANNOT “fit in” the BIG stuff whenever “time allows.” Ha! The BIG stuff takes more concentration. You’ll need to work at larger projects for at least one solid hour at a time, without interruption.
- Plan to work on your BIG project for one uninterrupted Power Hour, first thing every morning, Monday to Friday.
(Okay, you can get yourself a coffee, and you can quickly check your messages, but for each message, ask yourself if it’s vital to respond immediately, or can it wait an hour? To develop your habit of prioritizing your Power Hour, you need to purposely NOT respond to less critical messages.)
- After you scan your messages, and you’re ready to work an uninterrupted Power Hour on your BIG project, turn OFF all your devices, including your phone and your email. Now, get to work! You can set an alarm for one hour if that helps. ⏰
- Use your very first Power Hour to write a list of potential projects, prioritize them, and decide which one you’ll get done FIRST. They will ALL get done eventually, but it will go a lot faster if you learn to complete tasks, one at a time. ✔️
- Set a rule for yourself that your Power Hour is non-negotiable. Life will conspire to throw you off track. You were up late negotiating a deal. You’ve got TWO hundred little things to do tomorrow. Your kids are up early. Whatever the case, you need to figure out how to modify your routine, which probably means you need to start getting up earlier. You can have a nap later if needed.
After only two weeks of this, you will have devoted TEN hours to completing your first BIG project. It’s incredible how much you can get done in ten hours! This, after wasting (insert number) of months/years, spinning your wheels.
And guess what else? You STILL get the hundred little things done during the day, in LESS time. That’s right. You’re not only getting the BIG stuff done now (finally), but you’re also training your brain to be more efficient.
For many agents, this is the #1 most important change they can make to their business.
What if you fall off the wagon?
Don’t worry about it! Just get back on. The longer you can do this (every day) without interruption, the more it will become an ingrained habit, and you’ll become a high achiever, just like that.
Yes, it really is that simple.
I strongly suggest you start this new habit TOMORROW. Otherwise, you might look back at this article six months from now and realize you’ve completely wasted six months of your life. Perhaps you’re thinking that right now.
Write this in your calendar NOW, and good luck!
To help you stick to your decision, send me a message NOW and let me know, “I’m doing it!”
I’ll be cheering for you!