When I was an active Real Estate agent, I always had an office in the brokerage.
I found it too distracting to work from home. Now, of course, I have no choice!
Working in an office can be distracting, too, what with other agents stopping by to chat.
But I considered these interactions one of the many benefits of working at the brokerage. It kept me in the loop, and I learned and became a better agent by listening to others.
Besides, when I needed to Get Stuff Done, I simply closed my office door, and everyone knew not to bug me.
I would often get asked, “What do you do in there all day, Ted? Prospecting?”
Ugh. Not a chance.
I made a cold call once, hung up the phone, and swore I’d never do it again.
“So, what do you do all day?”
“Um… I dunno. Mostly just take care of my clients?”
They would look at me in silence like they didn’t believe me.
Remember, I earned $590,000 in my second year. And, not long after that, I was making over $800,000 a year.
“No, really. What do you do? What’s your secret?”
I’d look back at them in silence. I didn’t understand the question. 🤔
They’d walk away, shaking their heads. Some of them got mad like I was selfishly hoarding the “secret.”
But honestly, I WAS mostly just taking care of my clients.
Some of you are still suspicious because I said, “mostly.” So, what else, Ted?
OK. I was also figuring out better systems and procedures. To take better care of my clients.
Hey, if you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll listen to this guy:
“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” — Albert Einstein
That’s my “secret.”
The details of exactly HOW I did it and HOW it resulted in a business that attracted clients, rather than having to chase them continually, cannot be described in a short article like this.
That’s why I developed the Agent Skills Master’s Program.