Blowing Up the Mega Agent’s Marketing Claims

Ted Greenhough |
May 7, 2021

There’s a mega-agent in every market. But I believe the public is far better served by an experienced and skilled individual agent, partnership, or small customer-service-focused team. 

Here’s how to easily blow up the mega-agents marketing claims:

#1 – We spend gazillions on marketing your home!

Nice! And how exactly do you spend that money?

Oh, you have giant billboards, hundreds of bus benches, radio and TV ads, and a fancy website, all designed to generate “leads” for your giant team?

OK, but how exactly does that help me to market my home?

One of your team members (who has probably never even seen my home) follows up on every inquiry, just like every other agent in the city would do?

Um, that’s okay. 


#2 – We have thousands of buyers!

Wow-za! So, if I list my home with literally any other agent in town, these thousands of buyers you have will surely all be competing to buy my property? After all, those thousands of buyers don’t really care about whose name is on the For Sale sign. Right? 


#3 – We sold five gazillion houses last year!

That’s amazing! And how many agents do you have? Half a gazillion, you say? So, that’s only about ten homes per agent, then?

Well, that’s not so impressive, is it? By the way, what is the average number of years of experience for your agents? Oh, you’re kidding. Really?


#4 – We guarantee we will sell your home, or we’ll buy it!

Fantastic! Are there any conditions?

Oh, my home must first qualify for the program? OK, how so?

It has to be a certain type and size and be within a certain price range and location, and basically has to be a slam-dunk sale anyway? Then I have to accept a guaranteed sale price that is so ridiculously low, no seller in their right mind would ever agree?

That’s okay; we’re still going to hire my agent. We prefer to work with a dedicated, experienced, hard-working, skilled agent who doesn’t try to fool us with misleading marketing claims.

By the way, I know it’s not only the Mega Agents who perpetuate bogus marketing tactics like various “Guaranteed Sale” programs. If you’re one of them, quit it, please.

We need to work together to bring trust and integrity back to our industry. You don’t need gimmicks to become a highly successful agent. Leave the gimmicks to the Mega Agents and lets the rest of us all work together to educate the public on the truth about what really works in real estate.


Ted Greenhough

I teach GOOD REALTORS® how to become GREAT REALTORS®, with a simple, logical, easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement, inspirational step-by-step program.

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