How to Stop Tossing Business Out the Window in 2021 (and yes, you are)

Ted Greenhough |
February 10, 2021

Happy New Year! Are you planning how to get more business in 2021?

Of course you are. Me too! 

But what if I told you this?

If you just did a way better job on The Follow-Up, you could stop chasing after new business, altogether. 

I’m not just making this stuff up, you know. 

Being skilled at The Follow-Up is one of the main reasons I earned between $590,000-$865,000 every year, for 12 consecutive years, all as an individual agent.

Without ever once making a cold-call.

It’s also why I consider ‘The Follow-Up’ one of the most important modules in the entire Agent Skills Master’s Program. 🤔

For starters, do you even have a proper system to keep track of your leads?

I’m completely shocked by the number of REALTORS® who have no system whatsoever. I mean beyond sending them an email and hoping they email you back. And if they don’t, you basically forget about them.

How about starting tomorrow (it’s a New Year after all), you write down every lead you get in a simple spreadsheet? 

Just write them down, name, contact info, what you talked about on what date. That’s it.

You know what’s going to happen? At the end of the month, you’re going to look at your spreadsheet and you’re going to be shocked at the number of solid prospects you have! 😱

What the heck happened? How come you never had this many leads before?

You did. You’ve been tossing them out the window.

Relying on your memory is for amateurs.

You think I had more leads than you did when I was selling over 100 homes a year?

I doubt that very much.

I just knew how to convert my prospects into clients.

I knew how to keep track of them, how often to contact them, which contact method to use (they’re all different), what information to give them, and how to ensure they responded.

I knew how to nurture my leads. 

It’s not hard. It’s a simple skill.

All the skills I teach are ridiculously easy. That’s the point. Complicated systems don’t work.

Here’s to a fabulous 2021! 🥂

This article was inspired by module #4 – The Follow-Up – part of the Agent Skills Master’s Program

In ‘The Follow-Up’ module, I explain step-by-step how to use a simple, sortable spreadsheet to organize all your prospects, ask the right questions to ensure a continued dialogue, and systematically build relationships by providing the right information at the right time, 

Here’s another article inspired by the same module: The Follow-Up Conundrum


Ted Greenhough

I teach GOOD REALTORS® how to become GREAT REALTORS®, with a simple, logical, easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement, inspirational step-by-step program.

Agent Skills Master's Program

Online real estate training course

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