The SECRET to a Break-Out Year in 2024

Ted Greenhough |
December 27, 2023

Beginning in my 2nd year as a REALTOR® and for 12 years in a row, I earned between $590,000-$865,000 GCI, all as an individual agent. So I’ve been asked more than a few times, “What’s your secret, Ted?”

I’ll reveal my secret within this RAM. But be forewarned; if you’re lazy and think you can skip to the end for the answer, you won’t get it. Please take the time to read this entire post. There’s something here that is my gift to you for 2024.

Most REALTORS® are in a never-ending quest to find the magic pill, the ONE thing that they think will massively improve their business and life.

Many think it’s social media. “If only I were better at social media, I’d have all the business I could handle!”

But the reality is that 99% of agents get a net-negative return on social media compared to the time and energy expended.

It’s like being a musician or an actor; a thousand incredibly talented people struggle for every one who makes it big. 🎭

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a presence on social media. Of course, you should! But unless you’re already naturally social-media-savvy, you’re probably beating your head against the wall trying to learn a skill that feels alien. Instead, you should be utilizing your valuable time to improve other more critical aspects of your business, such as:

Organizational skills – Do you complete tasks and projects promptly, rather than simply reacting to whatever is happening on a day-to-day basis and never truly getting ahead of the game?

Follow-up skills – Do you have a system to keep track of prospects and naturally convert them into clients, over time, by being a skilled PVI (Provider of Valuable Information)?

Communication Styles – Do you communicate with everyone in the same way? Or, do you understand how to modify your delivery to appeal to the 75% of people who do NOT think the same way you do?

Pricing Psychology – Do you know how to price your listings accurately and, more importantly, make this abundantly clear to your sellers?

Marketing – Do you know how to separate yourself from the crowd by producing the most compelling MLS presentations possible and then leveraging those listings to get more listings?

Website – Does your website clearly define WHO you are, WHAT you stand for, and WHY people should hire you? If not, please tell me; what’s your website for exactly?

Listing Presentation – Do you have a repeatable, easily modifiable listing presentation that makes you look like the only true professional in a sea of amateurs?

Referrals – Do you know how to produce a never-ending stream of referrals from your raving fan base?

If only there were a simple, logical, step-by-step program to teach all the above skills (and so many more) and immediately incorporate them into your business.

If only there were a wildly successful agent who took an entire year off at the peak of his career to produce such a program because he saw the need for it and sincerely wanted to help others achieve their full potential.

Oh, wait. There is.

The Agent Skills Masters Program

Click on the link. Scroll down to the “Modules” section and read all about it.

Another year has passed, It’s time to get serious.

And this year, for the first time, here’s an offer you can’t possibly refuse (I hope):

If you complete the course, I’ll immediately e-transfer you $2,100 ($2,000+GST). That means you pay only $495+GST as a one-time fee for lifetime access.

Here are the simple, straightforward rules to claim your refund:

1. Send me your completed workbooks (within six months) as proof that you’ve completed the course. 

2. There’s no #2. Please read #1 again.

It takes less than eight hours to watch every video (and complete the workbooks at the same time) so you could do this in one day if you wanted to. Think about it this way:

I’ll pay you $250/hr (8 hours X $250 = $2,000) to take my course! All you have to do is sign up before midnight on December 31st. This offer will NOT be made again for at least another year. So you have three choices:

1. Do nothing. Hopefully, things just magically get better this year!

2. Wait another year and hope this offer comes back again.

3. Sign up now. Go to, scroll down a bit, click the “Try it, risk-free!” button, and enter your info. You’ll get immediate access to the entire course.

In fairness, if you’ve signed up for the course within the last six months, email or text me, and you’ll get the same deal!

Why am I doing this? Am I still making money at $495?

Not really. Honestly, I won’t list all the myriad of costs here but suffice to say that transactional and platform fees whittle away at that $495 PDQ, not to mention my own time. But I know it’s human nature that some people will sign up and never complete the course. So, in a way, they’re paying for you if you choose to take advantage.

But know this: I’m not counting on that and it’s NOT what I want. I genuinely want everyone to finish the course, and I’ll be thrilled to e-transfer you that $2,100! My motivation is not about money; it’s about improving our industry. And I know that every time an agent completes the course, our industry gets a little bit better.

Think about it as a late Christmas present from me to you! More SKILLS = More MONEY

Do it now! You know, as soon as you close this email, it won’t happen. Make an early New Year’s resolution.

Go here:

Together, let’s make 2024 the best year yet!


Ted Greenhough

I teach GOOD REALTORS® how to become GREAT REALTORS®, with a simple, logical, easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement, inspirational step-by-step program.

Agent Skills Master's Program

Online real estate training course

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