Are you the type of REALTOR® who thrives on deadlines? You’ve procrastinated on that CMA all week, and now you’ve got 45 minutes to get it done. No problem! When you’ve got a deadline, you always come through.
There are two ways you can look at this:
Chances are there’s some truth to both statements. Sure, you got the CMA done, and it’s good, but half-way through the Listing Appointment, you realize that you’re missing some critical information. You messed up.
If you lose the listing, what’s the potential cost? Ten grand? Maybe more? All because you left the CMA to the last minute?
What if you had completed that CMA 24 hours before and then allowed yourself additional time to review and fine-tune it the next day? Wouldn’t that be better? ☺️
Yes, of course! But (insert excuse here).
“An excuse is simply a challenge that you’ve decided has power over you.” — Jen Sincero
No matter what your excuse, you are probably keenly aware that your self-management could be much better.
I use the term “self-management” because “time-management” doesn’t make any logical sense. You can’t manage time! Time marches on at the same speed for every one of us, no matter what. ⏳
Self-management is not merely important. It’s the #1 essential ingredient to success for EVERY highly productive person.
You want to know why that other agent produces twice as much (or five times as much) as you? Is it because they have more time than you? Nope! You’re both allotted the exact same 1,440 minutes per day. ⌚
They simply manage themselves better than you do.
If you want to improve (you do, right?), let’s start by utilizing your “skill” at meeting deadlines, and add in a few new complementary strategies:
This all makes perfect sense, right?
So, what are you going to do about it?
You know, we’re coming up to a New Year/Decade. If you want to make some real positive changes I suggest you re-read last week’s post 48 Days Until 2020, except be aware of this:
It’s now 41 days. And counting. You see how that darn clock keeps moving forward? ⌛
A gentle reminder: You haven’t accomplished ANYTHING by merely reading this post. You’ve got to DO something. Why not take a baby step right now, even if it’s just time-blocking an ‘Appointment with Yourself’ to review this and the last two blogs, one more time? You can take another baby step after that.
If it helps, think about a small reward you can give yourself for taking this first baby step. Now, go for it!
I’ll leave you with one more quote from Jen Sincero, “In order to kick ass, you must first pick up your foot.”