Business and Friendships

Ted Greenhough |
June 30, 2021

Meeting and connecting with all different people is a big part of what makes real estate fun.

This has nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted. Introverts may be less comfortable in a big crowd (at a party, for example), but they can be masterful at connecting one-on-one. 

The key thing is that you enjoy people – all kinds of people – and you’re open to learning from them. What makes them happy? What is important to them? What good things are happening in their lives, and what are some of their challenges?

If you have the attitude that you can connect with and learn from almost anyone, and you have the ability to apply what you‘ve learned, you’re going to be a success.

But even though we should all try to grow and become better at whatever we do, and a lot of that growth comes from our personal interactions, there’s more to life than just personal growth. Sometimes we just need to stop and enjoy what we have.

Unless you’re a psychopath or a narcissist (or both!), the personal connections you make during your short time on this earth are what make life worth living. The more true friendships you have, the happier and more satisfied you will be.

If you value personal relationships and you want to connect more with people, sometimes you need to stop 🛑 being a REALTOR® for a while. Take the time to enjoy having a normal conversation that has nothing to do with real estate and build your personal connections.

Do you ever feel regret at the end of a business transaction that you’re not going to get to spend time with your new “friends” any longer?

If you feel that way, they probably do too. So how do you go about converting a business relationship into an ongoing friendship?

It’s easier than you think, but someone has to make the first move. Here’s a simple suggestion:

Invite them to your home for dinner. This is more personal and meaningful than just meeting at a restaurant. Maybe you invite another couple you think they will like, also. Make a night of it!

If you’re worried about this being too weird, use the excuse that it’s a thing you do for your favorite clients to show appreciation for their business. After all, if you feel an affinity towards them, they’re feeling it too, and they’re going to truly appreciate the opportunity to get to know you on a personal level after business has concluded. 

This could be the first step towards a lifelong friendship!

I tell you this with regret in my heart ❤️ that nobody ever suggested it to me.  I’ve made so many close personal connections to clients over the years that never ended up going anywhere. Why? Because I was too shy to pursue the relationship outside of the confines of business.

I wish I had.   

After all, life is so much more than how many transactions you completed last year. If you can find a way to combine business with pleasure, why not?


Ted Greenhough

I teach GOOD REALTORS® how to become GREAT REALTORS®, with a simple, logical, easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement, inspirational step-by-step program.

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