Three Options for Agents who Don’t Want to Run a Business

Ted Greenhough |
June 23, 2021

Does this describe you?

“I didn’t get into real estate to run a business. I got into it to make money and have fun and wield my skills and talents. I just want to sell my craft and not worry about the business end of things – It’s too hard, it takes too much time, and it’s just too heavy.”

I totally understand. Honest. 

And, I have three possible solutions. Pick the one that works for you:

1. Join a team! 

The team is a business, but they take care of all that yucky stuff you hate. That sounds good, right? But nothing in this world is free.

The biggest trade-off is making less money. But perhaps even more importantly, you will now have significantly less freedom. Now, you need to follow the team leader’s orders, including learning cheesy scripts, chasing crappy leads, and working the phones for hours every day. 

If this appeals to you, I have no idea what brought you to read this blog post because I just described the antithesis of Agent Skills. 🤪

To be fair, there are many different team models, including small customer-service-focused teams with support staff – including a business manager – where you might be very happy. This could be worth exploring if this concept appeals to you.

2. Do nothing!

Choosing to do nothing is a choice unto itself.

You get up every day, you react as best as you can to whatever is going on, you go to bed, and then you get up and do it all over again. 

You’re doing okay, right? Maybe you’re not the most organized person in the world, but the deals come together, and you’re making a decent living, right?

No? ☹️

Hey, if you’re not satisfied with your career and you don’t want to join a team, you still have one last option:

3. Quit yer bawlin’!

Sorry! Not sorry! It’s all in your head that the business end of real estate is so excruciating. Learning a few business skills makes your life massively easier—not harder! When you have business skills, your life is more fun, not less fun! 😆

Face the facts. If you want real success in real estate, you have to put on your big-girl panties and learn some basic business skills.

The more you learn, the more money you will make (and keep), and eventually, you’ll have your own full-time all-star assistant who can take care of all the mundane tasks you hate doing and free up your time to make even more money. 💰

In the meantime, you don’t have to do everything yourself! In fact, I recommend against doing the things that you hate, especially if they’re not directly related to making money. But you can’t just ignore those things; you need to hire them out to the right people. This is an important part of being an effective business manager.

Learning how to get more done, more effectively, in less time, requires hard work, sacrifice, and taking on some things you’re not thrilled about. For now. 

This is the cold hard truth for every single successful business person who has ever lived.

So, quit yer bawlin’. Learn some skills, implement them, and watch your business grow! The time you invest now will pay off for you a hundred times over in the future.


Ted Greenhough

I teach GOOD REALTORS® how to become GREAT REALTORS®, with a simple, logical, easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement, inspirational step-by-step program.

Agent Skills Master's Program

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