Keeping Deals Together with Duct Tape and Krazy Glue

Ted Greenhough |
May 20, 2021

Most REALTORS®: “If only I had more leads, I’d be wildly successful.”

Me: “Leads schmeads.” 🤣

I never chased a cold lead once in my life, but somehow still earned yearly commissions in the upper $800,000’s as an individual agent.

I did it by consistently and thoroughly impressing my clients and building a business that generated a never-ending stream of incoming referrals. Of course, referrals are leads too, but they’re blazing red-hot leads like the surface of Venus, not stone frigid blue like Pluto. 

There’s a world of difference.

One of the ways I impressed my clients was keeping the tough deals together, sometimes with duct tape and Krazy glue, or whatever was needed. After all, we are problem solvers; the better we are at finding solutions, the more successful deals we complete, and the more referrals we get.

Last week, in The Dreaded Question Every Agent Gets Asked, I talked about how the public tends to put so much importance on your “marketing plan,” but marketing is only one of many important components of your work. For example, your communication strategy with your clients is even more important than your marketing plan. 

You’ve got an unmotivated buyer or seller. What do you do? 🤔

You’ve just had a bad home inspection. What do you do? 😟

You’re dealing with an inexperienced, unskilled agent. What do you do? 🙄

You’ve got to be tenacious, creative, and skilled to keep the tough deals together, and reduce the time you spend dealing with bad situations.

Most agents give up way too easily. They explain to me what happened and why their deal blew up as if it was inevitable, So I ask them: Did you try this? Did you explain this to your clients? Did you try bridging the gap this way?

“No, I never thought of any of those things….”

The skills needed to keep more deals together and make more money are entirely learnable and almost always revolve around better communication. 🤗

But rather than me trying to explain how to deal with a thousand different scenarios, if you’re experiencing a difficult situation right now, please give me a call, and maybe I can help you put a different spin on things.

If it’s too late, perhaps at least I can suggest a way to avoid a similar situation in the future. Almost certainly it’s got something to do with having better communication before the problem comes up.

I’m dead serious about calling me. Do you know why I started Agent Skills? It’s because I love helping agents from all over North America, and I’d love to brainstorm a solution with you.

Quite honestly, even if I can’t help you in your current situation, understanding your challenges may help me to improve my program, so it’s a win-win.

Here’s my phone number 403-973-9730. Call me now!


Ted Greenhough

I teach GOOD REALTORS® how to become GREAT REALTORS®, with a simple, logical, easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement, inspirational step-by-step program.

Agent Skills Master's Program

Online real estate training course

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